Having issues sending & receiving emails to/from people with @iinet.net.au or @westnet.com.au accounts? iinet and westnet email questions answered Q – Why am I not receiving emails into my iinet or westnet account? Check your internet. Pull up google...
Doing these 5 things makes running a small or micro-business a lot easier. 1. Get a 2nd computer or iPad with your emails and business documents on it, and stop stressing out when your main one breaks down!! Once...
Does your Wi-Fi reach all corners of your house? …or is your family tied to the room where your modem is located? Why does our Wi-Fi not extend further and why is it so slow? Modems supplied by Telstra,...
There are 4 speed-tiers offered by the NBN and differing ISP’s offer one or more of them. To confuse matters further, each company gives the speed tiers their own special names. The deals you see plastered on the...
The IT Guys assisted in presenting an NBN Q&A Session at the Nedlands Community Care centre to 61 Western Suburbs Seniors including a small number aged over 85. The Presenters were John Kirkby of the IT Guys (WA), Brian...
WARNING – Westnet Scam Email- Do not open an email called “New Version”, You may get a computer virus We have just been made aware of a SCAM email going around that looks like this below ….. DO NOT...