If you have Microsoft Office you have FREE video conferencing software built-in, so why use ZOOM? Users of Office 365 (Business) have Microsoft Teams and users of Office 365 (home or personal) have Skype, so why use another product...
Please observe the following social-distancing measures to ensure the safety of yourselves and our staff. DROP OFF FOR REPAIRS AND UPGRADES IF OUR SHOP IS EMPTY, PLEASE ENTER OR WAIT OUTSIDE UNTIL THE CURRENT CUSTOMER LEAVES. UPON ENTERING PLEASE...
Need to work from home but can’t find the computer equipment you need in the shops? If you live in Perth, Western Australia, we can ship Monitors, Computers, Web Cams, Keyboards etc directly to your home in Perth by...
How to work from home while self-isolating due to CORONAVIRUS (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic If you have an office-based job which involves working with emails, computer programs and using a telephone to talk to customers and fellow workers, then your job...
How to quickly speed up your Computer PC or Laptop and Internet browsing experience. In July 2014 we issued our post entitled TOP 12 WAYS TO SPEED UP YOUR COMPUTER PC OR LAPTOP this article updates that post and takes into consideration...
Our Top 12 ways to speed up your Computer PC or Laptop and Internet browsing experience. If you don’t feel confident in doing any of this yourself, bring it to us or we can come to you. You can contact...
Your computer is taking a long time to start or not even starting properly. What can I do about it? When installing new programs there is often a little tick box that is selected by default which says “Run...
Has Skype suddenly stop working for you recently? We have a fix. Here is what to do A client recently came to us complaining that having been a long-term user of skype, it had recently and unexpectedly suddenly...